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Welcome to E-REGO

Your guide to a flawless experience

E-REGO is here to make your journey simpler, whether you're a seasoned traveller or a first-time visitor.

Click below to download our app and start planning the ideal trip.

  • إيريجو
  • إيريجو

All what you need and more from the comfort of your phone.

We got your back from the moment you land to your goodbyes.

House rentals

Doctor’s appointments

Limousine service

Hotel booking

Beauty Center and Salons

Restaurant reservations

Organizing conferences

Decorations and Finishes

Property Management


Wedding Planing


Legal And Economic Consulting

Digital Marketing

Programing Companies


Coordination of universities and institutes

Sign up now!

To get the perfect help in every step of your trip.

Choose your service

We offer you many options to choose from and customise yourself a one of a kind experience.

Book your reservation

Each of our services is tailor made just for you to have the most secure and entertaining trip.

Fill out your request

Start enjoying your visit from the minute you arrive to your destination.

Confirm your registration

Enjoy our premium service

Talal Al-Khaled
April 14, 2023

I would like to share my experience with the E-REGO application. Since I started using the application, my life has become much easier. E-REGO provides me with all the services I need in one place. With just a few clicks, I can make hotel reservations, book taxis, order food from local restaurants, shop online, and even get delivery services. There is no need to download multiple apps and spend time searching for each service separately. E-REGO has made it simple and very convenient.

Sara Emad
May 16, 2023

I highly recommend the E-REGO application. I have always been looking for a way to save time and effort in managing my daily life, and this application is the solution I have been looking for. E-REGO allows me to access various services easily, such as restaurant reservations, transportation services, online shopping, and much more. The E-REGO application is fast, reliable, and offers diverse options that suit my individual needs. I recommend it to anyone looking for an application that provides all services in one place.

Fatima El-Sayed
May 19, 2023

I'm Fatima, and I want to share my positive experience with the E-REGO application. Since I started using it, my life has become easier and more convenient. E-REGO allows me to easily access all the services I need in record time. Thanks to the application, I can book bus tickets, movie tickets, organize my daily events, and even book appointments at beauty salons. It is a convenient and efficient solution to meet all my needs in one place, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking for ease and organization in their life.

Ali Montaser
May 22, 2023

I'm Ali, and I want to express my great admiration for the E-REGO application. This application is my daily companion in everything. E-REGO provides me with a seamless and convenient user experience. I use it to book travel tickets, hotel reservations, car rentals, and facilitate my shopping. It also allows me to track my orders and communicate with service providers with ease. Additionally, the application offers important notifications and special offers, helping me save money and time. Simply put, E-REGO is an application I cannot do without in my daily life.

Abdullah Al-Maliki
May 25, 2023

I would like to express my utmost admiration for the E-REGO application. This amazing application provides me with everything I need in my daily life. Instead of spending hours searching for different services, I can now browse the E-REGO app and find everything in one place. The application offers me hotel reservations, flight tickets, transportation services, online shopping, and even restaurant bookings. It is user-friendly and extremely convenient. Thanks to E-REGO, my life has become smoother, more organized, and I save a lot of time and effort.

Frequently asked questions

What is E-REGO?

E-REGO is a platform - One of the applications of Sa7 Events Company - that offers more than 18 diverse services to help overseas arrivals with their travel needs. These services include hotel booking, restaurant reservations, limousine booking, real estate management, and more.

How can I access E-REGO's services?

You can access E-REGO's services through our mobile app. Simply Download our App, and you'll gain access to our range of services.

What makes E-REGO platforms different from others?

E-REGO offers a comprehensive range of services that cater specifically to the needs of overseas arrivals. We also prioritize quality and customer satisfaction in everything we do.

What services does E-REGO offer?

E-REGO provides a wide range of services for international travelers, including hotel and restaurant bookings, limousine rentals, doctor's appointments, and real estate management. Our platform offers a one-stop-shop solution for all your travel needs, making it easy and convenient for you to plan and enjoy your trip.

Can't find an answer? Contact us at..

  • Egypt +20 11 00 55 1919
  • Saudi Arabia +966 566 966 282
  • One of the applications of Sa7 Events Company

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